The more you use caching the less your files are downloaded from the S3 bucket. Bandwidth is money. So you can save money by setting a long age for your objets.

1- Set the property Cache-Control:

Edit the file .gitlab-ci.yml, and add the property to your S3 command or like below to the dpl command

$ dpl --skip_cleanup --provider=s3 --bucket=$S3_BUCKET --region=$AWS_REGION \
--cache-control='public, max-age=31536000' --local-dir=public/

2- Clear cache of the CDN

You have to got some tool to clear the cache on the CDN side otherwise your updates will be never seen :(

The Cloudflare GO library includes a tool named flarectl. You can use it to purge the cache of your zone.

flarectl required 2 environmement variables:

CF_API_EMAILYour Cloudflare login (email)
CF_API_KEYYour API Key (Go find it into your profile page)

You should add a new stage into your gitlab pipeline like into this example:

  - build
  - deploy
  - clear-cache
  stage: clear-cache
  image: golang
    - go get -u
    - flarectl z purge --zone --everything

Now let’s try it !!!